Grades 7-8

Opportunities for those in Grades 7-8


 Here at First Lutheran Church, we believe Confirmation is an important part of faith formation. It helps us understand and deepen our relationship with God and develop a better understanding of our Lutheran tradition. Confirmation gives us an opportunity to ask tough questions and teaches us to listen to God’s calling on our lives.

It helps us live in the promises of our Baptism:

    • To continue in the covenant God made in Holy Baptism (discipleship)
    • To live among God’s faithful people (discipleship)
    • To hear God’s word and share in the Lord’s supper (worship)
    • To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through word and deed (mission & outreach)
    • To serve all people following the example of Jesus (hospitality)

Like a diamond, we believe Confirmation has many facets to it. There will be time in the classroom for instruction and to ask questions. There will be time for service projects in the community. There will be time to gather with young people from other churches to worship God and experience his goodness. There will be time to explore Lutheran traditions and what it means to be a member of First Lutheran Church. There will be time for worship and participation in worship services. Confirmation helps form relationships between the students, God, the Church, other people, and all of God’s creation. And, of course, there are some expectations that come with Confirmation:

    • Regular worship attendance at one of our three services
    • Participate in service to the church (usher, acolyte, mow the lawn, etc.)
    • Regular Confirmation and youth group attendance
    • Participation in service projects, church camp, mission trips, or regional/national youth gatherings
    • An open heart and mind to follow God’s plan for you

None of this is designed to make the church intimidating or too difficult. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Through Confirmation, we hope you learn to see God at work in you and the world around you. We hope worship becomes natural. We hope you see the world through God’s eyes. And we hope you learn to be God’s hands, feet, and voice in this troubled world. This is what God’s love looks like.

Confirmation is held every other Wednesday night during the school year from 7:00-8:30 pm.

Please contact Gina DeBoer at or call the church office at 402-721-2959.



Middle School FLYS (First Lutheran Youth) is made up of 7th & 8th grade students and invited friends. The group meets every other Wednesday night from 7:00-8:30pm, opposite Confirmation.

MS FLYS is a safe place to ask questions, learn about God’s love, have fellowship with others, and grow in faith. MS FLYS participate in learning opportunities, games, and service projects. 

Please contact Gina DeBoer at or call the church office at 402-721-2959.

WAM Kids

Worship Arts Ministry for Kids – WAM Kids (for K – 8th grade students) is a fun and exciting new ministry that provides opportunities for children to use their gifts and talents to glorify our God and lift up the mighty name of Jesus. We will do this by providing opportunities to lead worship through singing, puppeteering, dramas, reading scripture, and more! WAM Kids will meet most Wednesdays during the school year 4:30-6:00 pm. Contact with any questions.